Instructions: Pay for Annual Membership Below
- A PayPal account in NOT necessary (Credit Cards are also Accepted).
- You'll see a registration link after completed payment.
- Complete your registration information, username, etc.
- You'll receive an email from DSO. Check your SPAM folder too.
- Yay! Login to register for any Delaware Senior Olympics events.
* By completing this registration, I understand and agree to the “waiver and release of liability” (see below) and agree to sign a paper copy of said agreement, at DSO events where I am a participant.
By becoming a member of Delaware Senior Olympics (hereafter “DSO”) and participating in any DSO / National Senior Games Association (hereafter “NSGA”) activities, I agree to abide by all rules and regulations established by DSO / NSGA, and I recognize that by participating in these activities, there is risk of injury.
By registering or participating, the registrant/participant understands that individual health, accident, and/or liability insurance is not provided for Delaware Senior Olympics /NSGA events and agrees to adhere to program rules.
By registering or participating, the registrant/participant agrees to abide by the Rules of Etiquette of Delaware Senior Olympics / NSGA, which includes but is not limited to disputes between participant and game official, verbal abuse, profanity or violent actions. Violation of the Rules of Etiquette will result in ejection from the game(s) with loss of Participation Fee(s).
I do hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive, release and forever discharge any and all rights and claims for damages that I may have or that may hereafter accrue to me arising out of or in any way connected with my participation in Delaware Senior Olympics programs/competitions. Photos taken during programs and competition may be used for educational or marketing purposes by Delaware Senior Olympics.
By "signing", I understand and agree to the “waiver and release of liability”.
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