Delaware Senior Olympics

Pickleball Registration 2024 Delaware Senior Olympics


We opened registration for our Senior State Pickleball Games on

Delaware Senior Olympics Tournaments are August 22nd thru August 25th, 2024!

The Event fee is $45 plus $5 for each extra event. Make sure you pay your Delaware Senior Olympics membership fee of $30 if you haven't already.

Once again, we are holding the Games at Kent County Parks and Rec Center 1683 New Burton Road Dover, DE 19904. We will be using the Selkirk Hybrid + Ball.

There will be a raffle this year, here are some of the items that we will be raffling off.  

4 - Core Day Backpacks ($160 retail)

12 - $20 Selkirk Gift Cards for Raffle Prize ($240 retail)

1 - LUXX paddle for Raffle Prize ($250 retail)

1 - Power Air paddle for Raffle Prize ($250 retail)

Reminder - This is a qualifying year for the National Senior Games in Des Moines, Iowa, July 24 – August 4, 2025. For more information:

If you have any questions feel free to email Janette: or call 302-736-5698

Tournament Directors

Chuck Connolly

Rina Pellegrini

Karen Faber

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